Cowboy Overdrive
Cowboy Overdrive
Yeehaw! Our customers have been asking us to make a classic mid-hump drive for a long time, so here is, with our favorite mods: clean blend, LED + silicon diode clipping for higher gain, less compression, and more touch sensitivity than a stock, and a 3 position Phat switch. Center is stock, Down is phatter bass and a touch more gain, and Up is phattest with a lot more gain. Blend adds back in the raw guitar tone for more attack, definition, and uh, "sparkle." Cleans up well with your guitar volume. Also it's LOUD.
The Cowboy has that classic big midrange we all know and love, and it would love to two-step with your Tele or your Les Paul equally. It can do clean boost or fat crunch. It’s baby blue. It’s got a hat.
Small form factor for those concerned about pedal board space!
Handmade for you in Columbia, MO!
Volume, Gain, Blend, Tone and Phat switch controls
Capable of clean boost to medium drive
Dynamic and cleans up well from the guitar
Standard 9v power input
True bypass (no tone loss)
Super bright LED
High quality components throughout
Built to last a lifetime
Handmade in Columbia, MO, one at a time